Evangeline Odyuo Koireng

Country Team Leader, India

Evangeline was born and brought up in a Christian family from Nagaland. She received her Bachelor of Arts from Mount Tiyi College, Nagaland and has attended the Children’s Bible Ministries (CBM) sixteen-week training course in New Zealand.
Evangeline has been involved in ministry since her college days, serving with the Lotha Baptist Churches Association (LBCA), the Nagaland Baptist Church Council (NBCC), and the Viva Network, Delhi. In the process, she has trained many Sunday school leaders, teachers, children’s workers and pastors.
Her deep passion and desire is to work together with other leaders to build God’s kingdom. Serving at LeaderSource India has given her just such an opportunity.
Evangeline lives with her husband and daughter in New Delhi.
During Evangeline's time at LeaderSource, she has noticed the following paradigm shifts in her life:
  • Liberated me from the old dysfunctional way of doing training and ministry.
  • Deeper understanding of true biblical leadership.
  • I got a clear purpose of the Church.
  • I share or facilitate from my heart (no more head knowledge or information) and I can connect with the participants.
  • LeaderSource has brought me back to align myself with Christ-centered leadership and to build lives.


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